Daily Devotional #1,616
September 24th, 2024
I still remember the shock I received that day in Sunday School. I was probably in kindergarten, and I had gone to my class and my understanding of reality was shaken to the core. Because that was the...  Read More
by Mrs Renaud
Daily Devotional #1,615
September 24th, 2024
Sometimes I forget how rich I am. I turn on the faucet and I can get hot water any time I want. I have a car and can go to the grocery store and purchase what I want to eat. I have a kitchen where I c...  Read More
by Mrs Renaud
Daily Devotional #1,614
September 24th, 2024
I ran across a funny story about a group of animals in the jungle who decided to have a football game. The problem was that no one could tackle the rhinoceros. Once he got a head of steam, he was unst...  Read More
by Mrs Renaud
Daily Devotional #1,613
September 24th, 2024
I like trains and as I write this, I’m getting ready to go to a local “Train Show” where all kinds of folks gather to show off their stuff and have for sale just about anything you would want for trai...  Read More
by Mrs Renaud
Daily Devotional #1,612
September 24th, 2024
I read a short story where a guy was having a pretty animated argument with his neighbor over where the property line was between their two houses. He was going to build a fence and set it up just ins...  Read More
by Mrs Renaud
Daily Devotional #1,611
September 24th, 2024
We all remembered 9/11 yesterday. There were hundreds and hundreds of Americans who just went to work or travel or just happened to wander into the wrong place who never thought that they would be kil...  Read More
by Mrs Renaud