Quail Lake Community Church

Daily Devotional #1,611

We all remembered 9/11 yesterday. There were hundreds and hundreds of Americans who just went to work or travel or just happened to wander into the wrong place who never thought that they would be killed by those declaring war on America. A friend posted a link that took you to a listing of every person who died that day in the terrorist attack. I was determined to look at all the names, I felt like they needed to be remembered by me. And just about halfway through...I saw my name! Not my whole name, but there was one man who was killed that day that had the same last name as me. He has been dead now for nearly a quarter of a century, but I still remember so much of what that day was like. It is always a wake-up call for me to see my name on a list of those who were just going about the everyday business of living...and never came home. I can only imagine the grief and loss that those who loved them still feel. But it is a reminder to me that one day I am going to die...and so is everyone I know and love. The Bible reminds me that each person is destined to die once and after that comes judgment. And the good news in all of that is that Christ was offered once for all as a sacrifice to take away the sins of any who wanted him to. I can only remember and grieve for those who have had their life violently taken from them. But for those who are still living, I can let them know that God doesn’t want us to have to deal with our sins, but to experience his love and forgiveness...his salvation that Jesus purchased for us on the cross. There is a lot of evil in this world and so many who have embraced it. But there is good news too. That God so loved the world that he sent his one and only son, that whoever believes in him would not perish but have eternal life. We are all going to leave this planet, one way or another. That’s just the reality for all us humans. But the good news is that God has something better, that lasts forever for any person, from anywhere who is willing to just receive it. You won’t find a better offer anywhere from anyone!

Here’s our Bible verse for today...

Hebrews 9:27-28 NLT And just as each person is destined to die once and after that comes judgment, (28) so also Christ was offered once for all time as a sacrifice to take away the sins of many people. He will come again, not to deal with our sins, but to bring salvation to all who are eagerly waiting for him.

Remember I’m praying for you!
With love, PJ