Daily Devotional #1,702

I love this story…and I hope you will too! Wally was big for his age--seven years old. Everyone wondered  what role the teacher would give him in the annual Christmas play. Especially considering the fact that he was  also a slow learner. Perhaps he could pull the curtain.  
To everyone's surprise the teacher gave Wally the role of the innkeeper. The boy of course was delighted. After  all, all he had to learn was one line:  
"There is no room in the inn." He had that down in no time.  
Then came the night for the program. The parents took their places. Every seat in the auditorium was filled. The  children entered singing "Oh come all ye faithful." The lights dimmed. A hush moved over the audience. The 
curtain opened on Scene One. Mary and Joseph entered the stage and walked up to the inn. "Please sir, my wife  is not well. Could we have a room for the night?"  
Wally was ready for his line. He had rehearsed it all night. He began, "there is", and he hesitated. He started  over again. There is. . .and again his mind went completely blank. Everyone was embarrassed for him but poor  Wally just didn't know what to do. Joseph thought he would improvise and started walking away toward the  stable on stage left. Seeing him walking away Wally in desperation called out: "Look, there's plenty of room at  my house, just come on home with me."  
Christmas is coming…and our lives are filled with so many things and people and activities and responsibilities.  But all God is asking is that we make room in our homes…our hearts…for this Jesus who was born in  Bethlehem. The first Christmas was the best one ever…so invite the Jesus of Christmas to join you this year. It  is the best gift you can give yourself…and the best gift you can give to the God who loves you so much! Here  is our Bible verse for today…  
1 John 4:9-10 NLT God showed how much he loved us by sending his one and only Son into the world so that  we might have eternal life through him. (10) This is real love—not that we loved God, but that he loved us and  sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins.  
Remember I’m praying for you!  
With love, PJ