Daily Devotional #1,682

A year ago, my son and my brother and I took on a challenging backpacking trip through a volcano on the island of Maui. On the first day it was getting close to sundown, and we were probably a half a mile or so from our rustic cabin where we would spend the night. I ended up stumbling and falling, with a full backpack, forward into a lava field. We always wear gloves when we do this hike, so my hands were protected but I ended up slicing my knee open. My son came running back and bandaged me up and I got up and started to put on my pack and my son said, "No Dad...I need to carry that for you." We went back and forth for a minute or two, but I finally relented and gave up my pack. It was kind of humiliating for me to have to have that kind of help, but it was the right thing to do just then. My son was carrying a full pack, and he took mine and loaded it on top of his and led the way. As I watched him, I thought about what Jesus had said to us...that all of us who are weary and heavy burdened, we are invited to give him that load that weighs down our hearts and souls and let him carry it for us. My pride didn't make it easy to give up my pack that night...I wanted to do it on my own. But in the end, I accepted the offer of help from one who loved me and wanted me to get safely to the next destination. That's what God will do for us. But our part will be to humble ourselves enough to give him those worries and cares that we lug around with us. Just like my son cared about me that night, my heavenly Father cares about me each day and tells me that I don't have to carry all that stuff on my own. And neither do you. So, take those things that weigh you down this very moment and humble yourself and hand those burdens to him. And like I did that night, just follow the one who is carrying all that for you and he will lead you to a place of safety and rest and healing. Here's our Bible verse for today... 
1 Peter 5:6-7 NLT So humble yourselves under the mighty power of God, and at the right time he will lift you up in honor. (7) Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.
Remember I'm praying for you! 
With love, PJ