Daily Devotional #1,649

I was working on some announcements for our church the other day and I put together a little piece about our  Christmas Eve service. Hey…don’t laugh…Christmas is only 66 days away! I love our Christmas Eve service,  and it is about as simple as you can make it. We sing lots of Christmas carols…sometimes just the couple of  verses that most people are familiar with. And then I give a short message, and we end up lighting candles from  our Christmas Advent wreath. And I will tell the folks that it is a reminder that on Christmas, God’s light came  into the world. I like that and I like all of us holding our bit of the light that came from the Christ candle on that  wreath. Jesus never backed off from telling people that truth. He said that he was the light of the world…and  that if we will follow him…we wouldn’t have to walk in darkness. I thought about that…to walk in darkness is  a choice. It isn’t an inescapable fate…we choose how we will walk in this world according to Jesus. And we  don’t have to walk in darkness because we have the light that leads to life. I like that…we humans have been  given incredible freedom here on our journey on earth. I know…there are a lot of people who say all of this is  just not true…just something that we got together and made up. But those who follow this Jesus walk  differently in life. Not because of anything good about them or good that they have done, but because they have  chosen to trust this one who is the light who came into the world at Christmas. And he invites us to check him  out and see what it looks and feels like…being in the light. Keep walking in that light…don’t let anyone drive  you away. And if you haven’t followed this one who claims to be the light of the whole world…try it out. It  just might make this Christmas better than any one except the first one! Here’s our Bible verse for today…    

John 8:12 NLT Jesus spoke to the people once more and said, “I am the light of the world. If you follow me,  you won’t have to walk in darkness, because you will have the light that leads to life.”  
Remember I’m praying for you!  
With love, PJ