Daily Devotional #1,636

One of the things that I like to do when we have a car show is to dress up in 50s or 60s garb. Usually, it has  been jeans and a letter sweater or football jacket. This year, I decided to go in a little different direction. I got a  stiff pair of snug blue jeans, a close-fitting white undershirt, white socks, black leather shoes, a leather jacket  and…hair! I don’t have hair and there are very few in our church who remember me with any remnants of hair  much less a head full. But I went to Amazon, and I got a 50s, almost Elvis looking wig. I threw on some  sunglasses and went to church. And there were a number of our folks who had no idea who I was. It was fun  playing the part of someone I am not, nor ever was! But when I took off the wig and the glasses…everyone  knew the real me. I got to thinking about that…I wondered how many people really know…the real me.  Actually, I wonder how many people know who any of us are for real. We all have ways of disguising  ourselves and sometimes we don’t even really know who we are deep down in our hearts and souls. God knows  that is a problem for human beings and so he gave us a gift that would cut through all the masks that we wear in  life. And that is his word…the Bible. The Apostle Paul wrote that the word of God (the Bible) is living and  active. That it cuts to the heart of who we really are, and it judges not just our actions…but our thoughts and  intentions of our hearts. It opens us up…not to hurt us, but to allow us to see in us what God sees. That does  two things. First, it allows us to actually see at least some of who we really are and if we have the courage, it  will help us to face that and make good and positive changes in our lives. But secondly, it allows us to know  what God already knows about us and when that happens, we get to see how great and wonderful his love and  forgiveness for us is. So, remember that hiding our real identity is amusing for fun events. But when it comes  time to be honest with ourselves and our hearts and our intentions…God’s word can show us who we are, but  also who we can be and how to get there. So, break out that Bible and let God teach you but also show you the  truth that is out there…and in you and me. Here’s our Bible verse for today…  
Hebrews 4:12-13 BSB For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it  pierces even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow. It judges the thoughts and intentions of the  heart. (13) Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight; everything is uncovered and exposed before the  eyes of Him to whom we must give account.  
Remember I’m praying for you!  
With love, PJ