Daily Devotional #1,630

It was the day after my birthday, and I was going to get to have my first real “kids” birthday party. I knew my  mom was going to make this a really special day for me. I had just turned seven years old and was in my first  month of second grade. I got off at my bus stop and to my surprise, just down the street I could see my dad. He  was a teacher and was dressed in his sport coat and tie and crouched down with his arms held out wide and I ran  to him. This was going to be the best day ever! He hugged me and told me he had some great news…of course  something about the party! But he looked at me and said, “You have a baby brother!” The first words out of  my mouth were “Is mom still going to be at my party?” He told me no, but that my grandmother would take  over. We walked home and I thought “a new brother…he is ruining my party.” It was not a good start. Now  today, it is 66 years later. And that baby boy became a part of my life and all of our lives. On the day he  arrived, I didn’t really see the value of this new addition to our family. Today, I cannot imagine my life without  my brother. So often we look at people as a bother or maybe as someone who just doesn’t have any value to us  at all. I am thankful that the God of the Bible is not like that. Jesus was talking about people and he let us  know that they are so valued by God that he pays attention to every aspect of our lives. Not for any negative  reason, but because each one of us is so valuable to him. He loves you and me…and all those other folks out  there as well. A lot of them don’t love him back. Some just ignore him and some really hate him. But his  concern and love for each one of us is always there. And that’s what we see at the cross where Jesus died for  the sins of you and me and all those other folks out there. You were seen as so valuable, that he sacrificed his  son so that we could be forgiven and then have the right to live forever with this same God. So go through this  day knowing that God thinks that you are something special to his heart. And his desire is for you to come to  love him too. And to that baby brother who landed here the day after my birthday…well, happy 66th birthday. I  am grateful to God for you and for the years we have spent together. And yes…you are forgiven for messing up  my birthday party!

Here’s our Bible verse for today…  
Matthew 10:29-31 NLT What is the price of two sparrows—one copper coin? But not a single sparrow can fall  to the ground without your Father knowing it. (30) And the very hairs on your head are all numbered. (31) So  don’t be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows.

Remember I’m praying for you!  
With love, PJ  
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