Daily Devotional #1,622

I know what I will be wearing next Sunday. I’ll be upfront of our whole church wearing an Los Angeles Rams jersey. I have a standing bet with our IT guy at our church. He is a Rams fan and I’m a 49er fan. The loser of any game between the two teams has to wear the other team’s jersey for the entire church service the next Sunday. The problem for me is that my buddy sits at the back of the church at his console and I have to stand in front of the church behind a little lectern while I preach. I watched the game and the 49ers looked like they
would just “own” the Rams yesterday. But one thing after another took place and at the very last second...literally...the Rams won. I couldn’t believe it. I thought there was no way that the 49ers could lose...it seemed almost impossible. But guess what? They did. My buddy sent a simple text after the game...I thought it was a good game! I just grumbled, but then thought about how what seems impossible in life...sometimes happens. The Bible says that there are so many things in this life that are impossible for us as people here on earth. But that God is different. There is nothing impossible for him, that means that everything
is possible with God. There are a lot of situations where we throw up our hands and because of situations or time that has past, we just say that which we were longing for just cannot happen. But the good news is that no matter what is taking place in our lives...God is a game changer. We may think that the game is over...it is a done deal. And then God swoops in and makes the impossible...possible. So don’t lose hope...you just never know what our when God might act. And always remember that God is never late...but he is never early either. Whenever God acts, that is just the right time! Hang in there and keep trusting God.

Here’s our Bible verse for today...

Mark 10:27 NLT Jesus looked at them intently and said, “Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But not with God. Everything is possible with God.”

Remember I’m praying for you!
With love, PJ