Daily Devotional #1,554

I was watching again the second season of “The Chosen” with some friends. We are going to watch an episode a week for the summer and in the first one, there is humor being expressed back and forth between the disciples and Jesus. When we got done, one of the things that one my friends mentioned was that they were pleasantly surprised at the humor and laughter that Jesus and the disciples were shown to share. Now, I know this isn’t scripture, but I love the portrayal of Jesus as really one “who was made flesh and dwelt among us!” I told them I liked that too and that when I saw that I was reminded of an incident that took place in a Bible Study when I was in college in Southern California. We got talking about Jesus and one of the guys asked if we thought Jesus ever laughed. Another guy popped up immediately and said “No way.” He said that the only reason for laughing was to laugh at people and Jesus would never do that. Each week I deal with lots of the scriptures and one of the things that I see in the gospels, is God’s sense of humor. Actually he shows that throughout the whole Bible. Especially with Jesus, if you know the context in which Jesus is saying some things…it is pretty funny and I bet that the ordinary people got a kick out of it and, yeah, they probably laughed. Jesus wasn’t trying to be a standup comic. This was the most serious of rescue missions ever for the whole human race. But he also told his disciples that the thief (the Devil) comes to steal, kill and destroy. But he said that he came to give us life and life in all its fullness. I’d like to think that Jesus would be pleased that we are filled with so much joy in his presence that we sometimes just can’t help but laugh. Sometimes at our own silliness…but even more so to be filled with laughter and song and end up shouting that the Lord has done amazing things for us! Make sure you fill your day with love and life…and don’t be afraid to add a bit of laughter along the way!

Here’s our Bible verse for today…

Psalms 126:2-3 NLT We were filled with laughter, and we sang for joy. And the other nations said, “What amazing things the LORD has done for them.” (3) Yes, the LORD has done amazing things for us! What joy!

Remember I’m praying for you!
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