Daily Devotional #1,508

It is Mother’s Day and a great day to celebrate Moms. I think about the impact that my mom had on me and my brother and sister. And then how our grandmothers influenced our lives as well. The three of us agree that we were really blessed! I look at my wife who is both mother and grandmother and see her touch on the hearts and minds of her kids and grandkids. Whenever we come to this special day, I think about the verse that comes out of a letter that the Apostle Paul wrote to his associate Timothy. He told him that he knew Timothy’s mom and his grandmother. And he must have known them well because he said that he remembered their faith. And that it was real and apparently contagious. It went from grandmother Lois to mother Eunice and then finally to Timothy who would be a key player in the early church and a figure that would be remembered in the Bible for all time. That is the power that moms have. No matter what they do or what they believe…they will impact their children and even generations to follow. For those who are followers of this Jesus of the Bible, their influence is priceless. So on this Mother’s Day, moms, remember that what you do and say and believe will have an impact on generations that you may never get to meet here on this earth. We appreciate you and love you and urge you to reach for the highest and best that God has for you. Because it will filter down to the rest of us, and we will be grateful for your influence for all eternity. And moms…Happy Mother’s Day!

Here’s our Bible verse for today…

2 Timothy 1:5 CEV I also remember the genuine faith of your mother Eunice. Your grandmother Lois had the same sort of faith, and I am sure that you have it as well.

Remember I’m praying for you,