Daily Devotional #1,487

I went to an air museum yesterday with some friends from church and had a great time. The museum is almost all outdoors and has a great collection of aircraft that have been preserved and some restored. I’m afraid that I bored my friends because I pointed out plane after plane and told them their names and the history and use of many of the aircraft. My friends were politely appreciative and asked how I knew so much about so many airplanes. I think they thought that I have studied hard the history of aviation but that is not quite the case. The reason that I know about so many of the planes is …that I built them! No…not as an adult or as an engineer, but as a kid. One of my joys was to go down to the local hobby shop and put down my one-dollar bill and I could walk out with a plastic model of just about any airplane I wanted. When they manufactured the kits, they typically put a blurb on the outside box about the aircraft and then in the instruction sheet they would describe the plane, its use and its history. And I learned all about planes as a kid…and now as an adult, I still remember a lot of that. On the way home, I got to thinking about all that I had learned as a kid and I remembered a verse that tells us that if we will direct our children in the right way and teach them when they are young, then when they are older, they will still carry both the information and memory of the teaching in their minds and hearts. And so, for us parents and grandparents we need to remember that the best gift we can give those kids we love so much is the teaching that comes from the Bible and the experience of being a part of the body of Christ. That way, they will have the knowledge and the tools to both live well and to follow well this God of the Bible. And then they in turn will be able to pass that along to those who will come after them. Your teaching, church attendance and godly life will not be forgotten by those kids…it is the single best investment you can make in those young ones you love.

Here’s our Bible verse for today…

Proverbs 22:6 NLT Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it.

Remember I'm praying for you...
Pastor Joe