Daily Devotional #1,450

We have a fun thing going for our kids for Easter. We will do all the traditional things for this time of year but the other day they took the kids and gave them a little cup and some dirt…well it was potting soil. And then each youngster was given some flower seeds to gently plant in their soil and a popsicle stick with their name was stuck at the edge of their little flower garden. The plan is to bring them back on Easter Sunday and the kids can see the “fruit” of what they planted. Now, all the kids did was put in the soil and plant the seeds. But we have someone who is a passionate amateur gardener who is now gently watering and making sure that they get sunlight each day. And then the teachers will return on Easter whatever comes up in each little cup. We can plant, we can water, and we can take tender care of growing things. But we can’t grow them. Only God can do that. The Apostle Paul reminded the Corinthian church that when it comes to growing followers of Jesus, the same kind of thing takes place. Some folks plant the seed of the gospel, some do the watering…but God causes them to sprout and grow. So, when it comes to being a part of what God is doing in the world, remember he is looking for those people who will plant seeds and then others who will water and still others who will trend those fragile growing plants. God will bring the growth of new life…but he invites us to be a part of this process of bringing new life in Christ, into our world. So, find your niche and be a part of the process that God is using to build his kingdom. You may not see all the “fruit” of your labor here on earth, but it will surely be evident in heaven!

Here’s our Bible verse for today…

1 Corinthians 3:5-6 CEV Apollos and I are merely servants who helped you to have faith. It was the Lord who made it all happen. (6) I planted the seeds, Apollos watered them, but God made them sprout and grow.

Remember I’m praying for you…
With love, PJ