Daily Devotional #1,733

I spent the evening with our AWANA club last night and after we did our study we let the older kids play their  favorite game. It is called Sardines. The idea is that you play in a darkened or nearly darkened place and  someone goes and hides. Then the rest of the group goes and tries to find them in the dark. But unlike an  ordinary game of hide and seek, when you find the person hiding, you just silently stand close, next to them.  And the idea is that people keep finding our hidden person and all those who have already found them. And in  the perfect game, there is one last person who is wandering around looking not only for the hidden one, but for  all the other game players as well! Ours is not played in absolute darkness and all of the kids seeking have a  small battery candle they have to carry. But they never tire of this game. Last night about eight of the kids had  found our two youngsters who were hiding together and were actually crouched down on the floor…and the last  kids passed by this whole group huddled together on the floor and kept running and yelling and excitedly  looking for what was right there in front of them. I thought about that scene later and realized that was  something like what happens in our world each day. People search for meaning and purpose for their lives and  hunger for hope and love and forgiveness. And like those kids they carry their small light hoping to find what  will satisfy the craving in their hearts. And a lot of them are like those kids at the end of our game who were  running back and forth yelling and completely missing what was right there in front of them. God tells us that  when we pray, he will listen. And if we really and honestly look for him wholeheartedly…that we will find  him. And he says “I will be found by you.” God is not far away, hidden in some heavenly castle. He is the  God who is always there close by, waiting to hear from you. Wanting you to want him, because in his love, he  never forces himself on anyone. So no matter where you are in this journey on planet earth…God simply waits  for you to ask and to look…and when you do you will find this one who has loved and will love you more than  any other being ever will or can. Give it a try…he’s easy to find and in him you will find what your heart  always wanted most! Here’s our Bible verse for today… 
Jeremiah 29:12-14 NLT In those days when you pray, I will listen. (13) If you look for me wholeheartedly,  you will find me. (14) I will be found by you,” says the LORD.  
Remember I’m praying for you!  
With love, PJ