Daily Devotional #1,726

It was like something out of Jurassic Park…kind of. We have a couple of lizards that have decided to spend the  winter around the front door of our house. There was one that was on the ground so one of our gang decided to  bring him inside and just warm him up a bit. He wasn’t in the house but a minute before he wiggled out of the  hand that held him and he bolted under the couch in the family room! He totally disappeared. So now we have  
our miniature dinosaur loose roaming around our house. Actually, we were pretty impressed that the little guy  warmed up pretty quick and saw his opportunity and took off! I thought about that…he had an opportunity and  took it. The Bible talks about that for the followers of this Jesus of the Bible too. We have some great news for  folks, and it tells us to live wisely among those who are not believers…and to make the most of every  opportunity to show and tell them that anyone can be forgiven and have an eternal relationship with the God of  the Bible. We are told that wise living will be letting our conversation be gracious and attractive so that we can  have the right response for everyone. God is just crazy in love with people, and we need to be good  representatives of that love to the world around us. So go out and let folks see how good God is through your  life and words. You will never know who God has prepared for you to be used to touch their lives. And for us  here…well, we will keep looking for our opportunistic tiny dinosaur and find him a warm and safe place to  winter…outside! Here’s our Bible verse for today…  
Colossians 4:5-6 NLT Live wisely among those who are not believers, and make the most of every  opportunity. (6) Let your conversation be gracious and attractive so that you will have the right response for  everyone.  
Remember I’m praying for you!  
With love, PJ