Daily Devotional #1,725

I was getting ready to do a workout on my stationary bike the other day and I thought I’d try to find something  to watch while I peddled. I looked for free stuff on Amazon Prime and I found the old Sci-Fi series “The  Twilight Zone”. It was a wonderfully creative show that had lots of “what if” kinds of situations that people are  challenged with. The very first one was a guy who finds himself just wandering down a road and he comes into  a beautiful little town except there is no one there. He is totally by himself, and he cannot remember how he got  here or who he is! He goes from place to place and all he wants is to find someone he can talk to. Finally,  totally exhausted, he breaks down and collapses and the scene morphs into him as an Air Force pilot that has  been put into an isolation chamber to test to see how long an astronaut might be able to travel alone into space.  When he collapses the Airmen get him out of the chamber and on to a stretcher and as he gains his senses, a  number of officers surround him and tell him that we can give you food and water and oxygen and even  entertainment on a long voyage into space, but we cannot give you what you crave the most…companionship. I  thought about that. I think there are a lot of folks around us and maybe even us who feel like that sometimes. I  have all that I need except someone to be my companion. And that loneliness can crush our spirits and rob us of  any kind of contentment much less joy. The good news is that we have a promise from our God that he will be  with us always. We can talk with him and hear his voice, sometimes in our hearts and other times through his  word, the Bible. He reminds us that no matter what, we will never travel this life alone. And as a follower of  this Jesus of the Bible, we also have a family that lives by the commands to love God and to love each other.  They are there for you too. So, no matter how isolated you may feel in your life right now, remember that God  is there with you each step of the way. And he is pretty good about bringing the companionship of a person that  you need if you will simply ask him in prayer. You don’t have to do this journey alone. You are not supposed  to do it alone. The one who loves you more than anyone else ever could, will be with you until the end of your  time on this earth. And then with you in eternity forever! Here’s our Bible verse for today…   
Matthew 28:20 NLT Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this:  I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”  
Remember I’m praying for you!  
With love, PJ