Daily Devotional #1,719

I went shopping at Walmart on the second day of the new year. I decided that I would do my best to greet each  person I could make eye contact with. I got my basket, and I began to work on my shopping list, watching to  see if there was anyone I could at least wish a “Happy New Year” to. I was surprised to see how many people  would just look away or look down at the ground as I passed by. Person after person did that and I felt a bit sad  that people weren’t even looking at each other. The folks seemed a bit grim-faced but when I could, I would  just say “Hello” and if they weren’t moving too fast “Happy New Year”. What amazed me was the  transformation of folks when we made that kind of contact. Instead of silently rushing by, they often would  break into a little smile and return the greeting. It was great to see that change in people. But I realized how  “walled off” we seem to be from others these days. I didn’t ask folks in the aisles if they wanted to hear about  the good news of the gospel or ask them if they had a favorite Bible verse. But I purposed to just let folks know  that I recognize that they are there…that they are somebody. And I’m betting if I live like that, letting people  know that they are worth a greeting or a small encouragement…I will be primed for those situations when God  does open a door for me to share my story and God’s story at the same time. So, I’m thinking that the lesson  learned was for me to get focused on others, giving them something positive in a place where there is little  interaction between strangers and if and when God opens the door, I can graciously share with them the best  news I’ve ever had…that God loves me and loves them…and has a wonderful plan for our lives. Here’s our  Bible verse for today…
Colossians 4:5-6 NLT Live wisely among those who are not believers, and make the most of every  opportunity. (6) Let your conversation be gracious and attractive so that you will have the right response for  everyone.  
Remember I’m praying for you!  
With love, PJ