Daily Devotional #1,716

This is the last day of the year, tomorrow will be the beginning of a brand-new year. People look at that in two  different ways. Some look at a new year with apprehension and down right fear. They feel like they have so  little control over what will happen that the idea of a whole year out there where things might go wrong on any  one of those 365 days is not a happy prospect. But then there are those who look at each new year with the  hope that this could be the time when some good and noble things might happen. The Bible says that in the last  days…and we are closer to that than we were last year…that God will pour out his Spirit upon all people. That  your sons and daughters will prophesy, and your young men will see visions. But it is the last part of that I like  best and that’s where it says that “and your old men will dream dreams”. I like that image that no matter how  old you are, God gives you the ability to dream dreams! To look hopefully to that future. I’m looking hopefully  to the future. Not because of anything I can do, but because I believe in the God who tells us that with us  people, there are so many things that are indeed impossible. Not hard, not challenging…but impossible. But  then we are told that’s not the way it is with God. It tells us that with God all things are possible! So, no matter  what you see or think you see out there in the future, let God fill your heart with dreams, some of which are  impossible for you. But remember that the God who loves you more than anyone else and promises to walk  with you each step of the way in this new year declares that all things are possible for him. So, get ready to embrace this year and be prepared to see God do things that you could never believe possible. With him, each  day will be an adventure for those who love him! Here’s our Bible verse for today…    
Acts 2:17 NLT ‘In the last days,’ God says, ‘I will pour out my Spirit upon all people. Your sons and daughters  will prophesy. Your young men will see visions, and your old men will dream dreams.    
Remember I’m praying for you!  
With love, PJ