Here we are almost finished with another year! And if you are like so many of us, there were things that you were waiting for God to do…and nothing happened. Did you do something wrong…or is there something else going on? Well, how about those people in the Bible who God had wait for him to work? Well, there was Noah…he waited 120 years before that rain God promised finally came. Then there was Abaraham. He waited 25 years for the son he was promised. And how about Joseph of the Old Testament…he waited 14 years in a prison for a crime he didn’t commit. God has things that he is going to do for you or with you. But remember that while you wait, God is doing something in you. Waiting changes us. God uses waiting to mature us and prepare us and humble us and maybe most of all teach us to depend on and trust in God. Remember that God is never late. But he is never early. At just the right time he will act, and he wants you to partner with him. Our job is to trust him enough to wait for him, not to run ahead of him. You be ready and expectant, but let him do his work. He knows what he is doing and when he wants it done…because he is God. And in all of this he is holding you close and will encourage your heart with his love and grace. Stay close to him and watch what he will do! Here’s our Bible verse for today…
Isaiah 64:4 NLT For since the world began, no ear has heard and no eye has seen a God like you, who works for those who wait for him!
Isaiah 64:4 NLT For since the world began, no ear has heard and no eye has seen a God like you, who works for those who wait for him!