Christmas is coming and I got to thinking about how many Christmases I’ve lived through in my lifetime. I realized that I’ve had the privilege of welcoming Christmas so many different times. To put it bluntly, I’ve got a lot more Christmases behind me than I have out there in front of me! I love Christmas, but I think that I’m loving it even more and want others to love it more as I realize that each one could be the last one that I have or some of those I love will have with me. We sometimes think and act as though life on this earth, with the
people we love, will go on forever. And that just isn’t true. The truth of Christmas and its celebration can bring from our hearts the best and most generous of our words and actions. I’m realizing that I can’t waste anything about Christmas because next year there may be loved ones missing. Christmas reminds us of God’s great love and the giving of his Son to purchase the forgiveness each one of us needs. And we are reminded that our lives
only go forward…we can neither go back nor stop time from racing by. So this Christmas, let yourselves be energized and fueled by the joy and hope and love that God brings. But don’t let anyone keep you from loving others extravagantly in word and deed…because there is no promise that you will get another chance. Do all the good you can. Love with all your heart. Join others in joyous worship and song. And make this the best Christmas ever by representing this Jesus of Christmas well to the ones you love and to those who need you the most. Christmas comes only once a year…so do your best to keep that Christmas miracle in your heart all year long. And that way…each day becomes a celebration of the life and love of this Jesus of the Bible. Don’t let it slip away from you. Here’s our Bible verse for today…
James 4:14 NLT How do you know what your life will be like tomorrow? Your life is like the morning fog— it’s here a little while, then it’s gone.
Remember I’m praying for you!
With love, PJ
people we love, will go on forever. And that just isn’t true. The truth of Christmas and its celebration can bring from our hearts the best and most generous of our words and actions. I’m realizing that I can’t waste anything about Christmas because next year there may be loved ones missing. Christmas reminds us of God’s great love and the giving of his Son to purchase the forgiveness each one of us needs. And we are reminded that our lives
only go forward…we can neither go back nor stop time from racing by. So this Christmas, let yourselves be energized and fueled by the joy and hope and love that God brings. But don’t let anyone keep you from loving others extravagantly in word and deed…because there is no promise that you will get another chance. Do all the good you can. Love with all your heart. Join others in joyous worship and song. And make this the best Christmas ever by representing this Jesus of Christmas well to the ones you love and to those who need you the most. Christmas comes only once a year…so do your best to keep that Christmas miracle in your heart all year long. And that way…each day becomes a celebration of the life and love of this Jesus of the Bible. Don’t let it slip away from you. Here’s our Bible verse for today…
James 4:14 NLT How do you know what your life will be like tomorrow? Your life is like the morning fog— it’s here a little while, then it’s gone.
Remember I’m praying for you!
With love, PJ