Daily Devotional #1,706

There is a young man who is in our small group in AWANA. Both my fellow leader Mike and I see this  youngster as full of energy and enthusiasm. He is in grammar school and he likes to volunteer for stuff. He  volunteered his family to do our last lighting of Advent candles on Christmas Eve. I talked to his dad and he  said that his son insisted that he needed to light that candle for the family and for the church. He was committed to making sure that he was going to be the point man for Christmas Eve at our service. I like  that…it seems like he is just waiting for an opportunity to serve. It reminded me of a guy in the Old Testament  named Isaiah. He was a great prophet and as a matter of fact just before he was commissioned to deliver to his  nation and to history the promise of the virgin birth at Christmas and that the one born would be called  Immanuel…God with us…he heard God’s voice. God was asking “Whom should I send as a messenger to this  people? Who will go for us?” Isaiah heard that and he said “Here I am…send me!” All through the Christmas  story there are the accounts of people who heard in some way God’s call on them to do something. And they  said like Isaiah “Here I am…send me!” God is going to use you in some way. That opportunity may come in a  way that you will be surprised by. So make the decision now, that when you hear God call you to step up and  step out…you won’t have to debate or ponder…but you can joyfully respond with “Here I am…send me!” And  you just might be used to change history…at least in one person’s life. Let God know you are standing ready  for your time in his history! Here’s our Bible verse for today…  
Isaiah 6:8 NLT Then I heard the Lord asking, “Whom should I send as a messenger to this people? Who will go  for us?” I said, “Here I am. Send me.”  
Remember I’m praying for you!  
With love, PJ