Daily Devotional #1,705

I was standing in line at Walmart waiting to check out. Things were going kind of slow, and I started looking at  the different magazines they had on racks for you to consider buying while you wait. I read some of the  headlines and then I looked up at the top of the rack and there was a small magazine, and it was about the TV  series “The Chosen”. I like the series because it shows so much of what life might have been like at that time…  the uniforms, clothes, homes and so forth. So, I looked closer at the banner at the top and realized that this  wasn’t put out by the people who do the series. And on top it said “Inside…Everything you need to know about  Jesus’ life”. I thought well, that’s not true, unless they are just quoting the Bible. I see The Chosen kind of like  the little books about Jesus that my folks used to buy me at the grocery store. They don’t claim to be scripture, 
they are just telling you the story about Jesus. But that magazine was making the claim that they have more  information about Jesus than the Bible gives. Needless to say, I didn’t buy it…the Bible is always the  authoritative source for what we know and need to know about Jesus and his mission and the future he promises  us. You can believe it or not, but anything else is pretty much a reworking of what we have or a fantasy. You  want to know about Jesus? Or even want to know if an episode of “The Chosen” is accurate? Break open that  Bible and check it out. And while you are at it, take a look at some people who were applauded in the New  Testament in Acts 17:11 and do what they did. When I deliver a message on Sundays, I encourage people to go  back and look at the Scriptures, the Bible verses I talked about, and see if what I said matches up with what you  read there. So, no Tabloid or even well-done TV series takes the place of your eyes on the pages of the Bible.  Check it out for yourself…you will discover all kinds of things…and you just might like it! Here’s our Bible  verse for today…  
2 Timothy 3:16-17 NLT All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us  realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is  right. (17) God uses it to prepare and equip his people to do every good work.  
Remember I’m praying for you!  
With love, PJ