Daily Devotional #1,703

We have a collection of cats on our church campus. Because we are in the country, we have kept a number of  strays and had them fixed and checked by Vets. We took a page from the folks at Disneyland who have  somewhere around 200 cats that are neutered and given shots and are given the right to prowl around the park to  help keep down the rodents. We have found out that ours have done that for us. I like cats and I will often  kneel down and try to get the cats to come to me and let me pet them. But most often they see me and run off.  Except last night. I was at a meeting on our campus after dark and had gone outside to check on something and  for the first time, out of the shadows the little feet came trotting towards me. I knelt down to let them know that  I was no threat and instead of running away…it actually sped up towards me. It was the cutest scene until it hit 
the light and I realized that it was a huge possum headed my way. I yelled and he turned and headed one way  and I the other. I was shocked at how easily I misjudged who was out there with me. The same thing happens  in our world. The Bible reminds us that Satan is the enemy of God and wants as many people as possible to  join him in the stealing, destruction and even death that he brings to people’s hearts, souls and lives. The  Apostle Paul warned the church in Corinth that Satan doesn’t come as some kind of snarling, evil looking  enemy. Instead, he arrives trying to keep you from God or pull you away from God and he comes looking like  an angel of light! I got fooled until it was almost possum fighting time…we can get easily fooled by this enemy  of both God and the people of earth. I would have been able to have spotted that possum easily…if I hadn’t  been walking out there in the dark. And the principle is the same for us. We need to be in the light where we  can see the reality of what he is doing to our world and to people individually. For us travelers on this earth,  that light comes from God’s Word…the Bible. Give God a chance to show you a different way to live, look at  the world and look at yourselves and most of all, look at God. Read the Bible. This Christmas season, start  reading the accounts of the Christmas story…a great place to begin. But remember that that same “angel of  light” is going to try to keep you from that Bible. Pick it up, read it and then read it often. See what kind of  light that God will bring to you and to your heart. Here’s our Bible verse for today…  
2 Corinthians 11:14 NLT But I am not surprised! Even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.  
Remember I’m praying for you!  
With love, PJ