Daily Devotional #1,701

A guy wrote about one of the episodes of the old TV series “All in the Family” that featured Archie and Edith  Bunker that first aired decades ago but remind us of a problem we have with Christmas. Edith and Archie are  attending Edith's high school class reunion. Edith encounters an old classmate by the name of Buck who, unlike  his earlier days, had now become excessively obese. Edith and Buck have a delightful conversation about old  times and the things that they did together, but remarkably Edith doesn't seem to notice how extremely heavy  Buck has become. Later, when Edith and Archie are talking, she says in her whiny voice "Archie, ain't Buck a  beautiful person." Archie looks at her with a disgusted expression and says: "You're a pip, Edith. You know that.  You and I look at the same guy and you see a beautiful person and I see a blimp”. Edith gets a puzzled  expression on her face and says something unknowingly profound, "Yeah, ain't it too bad." When I read that I  thought about how people look at Christmas. Some just see it as a holiday where everyone is busy and rushing  around and getting gifts and planning gatherings and are thankful that they get the day off from work or school.  But then there are those who see again the account of that first Christmas and through the Bible records and the  music that points us back to that first Christmas discover it a glorious and wonderful reminder of the day that  world changed forever. That it is a day when love came embodied in a newborn baby and the plan for the  forgiveness of all people who ever wanted it would become available. What we see and what we hear in life  depends not on the events but on the heart. So, this Christmas slow down and ask God to let your heart see the  beautiful person who was born that first Christmas and was named Jesus…because he would save the people  from their sins forever. And when you do that…you may find that you have the Merriest Christmas ever!  Here’s our Bible verse for today...  
Luke 2:8-11 NLT That night there were shepherds staying in the fields nearby, guarding their flocks of  sheep. (9) Suddenly, an angel of the Lord appeared among them, and the radiance of the Lord’s glory  surrounded them. They were terrified, (10) but the angel reassured them. “Don’t be afraid!” he said. “I bring  you good news that will bring great joy to all people. (11) The Savior—yes, the Messiah, the Lord—has been  born today in Bethlehem, the city of David!  
Remember I’m praying for you!  
With love, PJ