Daily Devotional #1,700

I am a passionate 49er football fan. This has not been a good year for our team. They missed winning the  Super Bowl at the last minute and then this season…they are not even going to the playoffs. The Niner’s  traditional adversary is the Los Angeles Rams. And it has rarely been a friendly kind of experience when the  two teams take to the field. This past Thursday was a do or die game for the Niners and they had to win. And  in a driving rain, in a game where no touchdowns were scored, my team suffered a heartbreaking loss. But then  online I began to see pictures of what happened after the game. There were players from both teams greeting  each other, talking, and even hugging one another. And my favorite linebacker took off his jersey and  exchanged it for a picture with a guy from the Rams. I liked what I saw. The loss was a bitter and embarrassing  one for my team. But they acted with gentlemanly kindness when the game was over. Both teams did. I was  disappointed and I will have to preach in a Rams jersey on Sunday. But I know that there are followers of this  Jesus of the Bible on both teams, and I like to think that their lives and commitment have influenced the way a  number of them acted after that hard fought contest. It is a good lesson for us as followers of Jesus. There is  really no excuse for us not to treat people with kindness and respect. We need to remember that we were loved  when we were far from God and while were sinners, Christ died for us. So, let’s take a lesson from a bunch of  jocks who demonstrated a Godly response to the nation when it could have been something very different. A lot  of folks were watching them. But you know what? A lot of folks are watching us too. Let’s live well…and  make God look good today. Here’s our Bible verse for today…  
2 Corinthians 6:6 NLT We prove ourselves by our purity, our understanding, our patience, our kindness, by the  Holy Spirit within us, and by our sincere love.  
Remember I’m praying for you!  
With love, PJ