Daily Devotional #1,699

There are so many good things that go with the celebration of Christmas. There is hearing the historical account  of the Christmas story, the setting up of Christmas trees, and the giving and receiving good tidings and even  presents. There is one thing that I remember and loved of Christmases past and that is the singing the songs of  Christmas. I remember growing up and our whole school would sing Christmas carols in assemblies and in our 
individual classes. And I remember going out and singing Christmas carols, sometimes door to door…just to  share the spirit of the season. Because we did all that we learned the words and we could join in whenever we  heard the songs played. I don’t think we sing nearly enough and especially at Christmas anymore. The Psalms  remind us that we are to sing to the Lord and bless his name and proclaim his salvation day after day. And  through those songs we can declare his glory among the nations and his wonderful deeds among all people.  Christmas carols are a great way to do that. So as part of your celebration this year, make sure you take time to  sing the carols of time past…they all have a great message about the God of Christmas! Go to church and sing  them, get some music going in the car and at home and listen to the songs and when you get to know the  words…sing with them. It will do your heart good, and it will bring some notice and honor to the God who is  worthy of every song we could ever sing. Here’s our Bible verse for today…  
Psalms 96:1-3 BSB Sing to the LORD a new song; sing to the LORD, all the earth. (2) Sing to the LORD,  bless His name; proclaim His salvation day after day. (3) Declare His glory among the nations, His wonderful  deeds among all peoples.  
Remember I’m praying for you!  
With love, PJ