The other day I went in to see my eye doctor because I had a new floater in my left eye, and I’m supposed to have them check it out if it looks different. I hated that I had to take care of this, but I went in, expecting to spend 10 minutes and go home. I had one in my left eye and my doc looks at it and says that it is no problem…and then she examines at the other eye, that I had no problems with. She suddenly looks at me and says…from the way your eye looks inside…I think you just had a stroke. “You need to go to the hospital right now.” She did a quick stroke screening and nothing was wrong…but she said, “You need to get to a hospital”. I got my paperwork and headed to an emergency room. It is amazing how fast you are seen in an ER when you have something from a doctor with the word “stroke” on it. And then the tests began. After nine hours, I met with the neurologist who told me. You are fine…he said everything looked great. That what happened in the eye…was in the eye only and that can be handled with an oral medication. Go home and have a good Christmas. It was closing in on 11:00 pm, so I went to IN N OUT burger, with a lot of thankful prayers to the God of the Bible. I thought about how I had gone to take care of something simple and God took care of something I didn’t know I had. And I got the reassurance that so many things…including my brain…were checked and cleared. I thought about something that Joseph said at the end of Genesis. He had been treated badly by his brothers, but God used that to save many people from famine and to set the stage to grow this new nation of Israel, who would be the people to whom the Savior of all women and men would come. Bad and scary things will happen to us. Don’t panic…God is in charge, and you can’t see what he sees and can’t know what he is ultimately doing. All he asks of us is to trust him in those dark or scary or lonely times. What looks bad may be God taking one thing and doing something better than you can imagine. Do like the psalmist says in Psalms 56:3…When I am afraid, I will put my trust in you. And we do that because the Bible tells us that God loves us more than we can ever imagine. Here’s our Bible verse for today…
Genesis 50:20 GNB You plotted evil against me, but God turned it into good, in order to preserve the lives of many people who are alive today because of what happened.
Genesis 50:20 GNB You plotted evil against me, but God turned it into good, in order to preserve the lives of many people who are alive today because of what happened.