Daily Devotional #1,697

Years ago some friends made it possible for our family to spend a vacation on the Hawaiian island of Kauai.  We heard about a waterfall that could only be seen by paddling a kayak up a river for aways. We were directed  to a rental place that had both kayaks and motorized scooters available. While I was inside taking care of the  kayak rentals, I heard a loud bang in the parking lot and we all ran out to see what had happened. A couple of  college girls had rented scooters. They were not familiar with the equipment and apparently one had hit the  throttle too much and it launched against a rental car and broke off the passenger side mirror. I was headed out  to make sure that everyone was ok when I realized that it was my car that she hit! She was ok, but in tears and I  let her know that everything was going to be ok, but because we needed a police report, we all had to stay until  the officer arrived. Well, I think that the word got out that two cute college girls were in distress because not  one but two police cars came rolling up with two very young, but professional looking officers. They were  taking the report from the one girl and suddenly she asked “Are you going to have to arrest me?” Both young  men looked somberly at the cute blonde and said “Yes…we are going to have go put you under arrest.” I  thought she was going to start sobbing when they both started laughing and said “No! This is Hawaii! We want  you to have fun and enjoy yourself. We just don’t want you to get hurt. We are done here…go have fun!” I  just rolled my eyes and went back in to finish the paperwork on our kayaks. I’ve thought about that incident  and thought how so often people think of the God of the Bible as one who is like a policeman just looking and  waiting for us to make a mistake and put us in some kind of spiritual handcuffs. Jesus talked about this. He  said that the thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy. But he came so that we could have life. Life that was  rich and full and free and everlasting…and better than anything we could have ever dreamed of. We are going  to make mistakes…we are going to sin. Confess that sin, ask for forgiveness and then get on with living this  life with the God who loves you so very much! Here’s our Bible verse for today…  
John 10:10 MSG A thief is only there to steal and kill and destroy. I came so they can have real and eternal life,  more and better life than they ever dreamed of.  
Remember I’m praying for you!  
With love, PJ