Daily Devotional #1,695

I read a story about how a younger man had helped an older friend as he grew less able to do many of the things  he used to do. And in the story the author said that this man had learned that when you take the flame of your  candle and light someone else’s…theirs is lit and yours is never diminished. I liked that. You can take the  flame of a candle and light as many other candles with it and your flame is never diminished. That’s the way it  is with God’s love shared by us with the people around us. No matter how concerned, loving, polite or kind you  are to others…it never diminishes your candle. One person once told me that good manners costs nothing. And  good manners are a way of showing people that they are worth your time and appreciation. The Apostle Paul  wrote to the Ephesian church and charged them to be kind to each other and tenderhearted towards each other.  And then he went one step further and told them to forgive each other just as in Christ, God forgave you. There  is no real cost in being kind to someone else and being interested in them and their life. God has given his  followers his Spirit and he will urge you to do simple things in life like saying “thank you” or “excuse me” or  “can I help you with that”. I know that it is not straightforward evangelism…but if we cannot simply be kind  and considerate as followers of Jesus…will others really be interested in what we have to say? No matter that it  is the truth, out lives need to reflect his love and kindness for us and for them in real life. Especially in this  season, do the simple and the kind and the selfless and let folks know that you think they are people of value.  Because indeed this Jesus came at Christmas and journeyed to the cross just as much for them as he did for you  and me. So go out and show the people of your world the kindness and tenderheartedness and forgiveness that  God has shown you and me. Here’s our Bible verse for today…  
Ephesians 4:32 BSB Be kind and tenderhearted to one another, forgiving each other just as in Christ God  forgave you.  
Remember I’m praying for you!  
With love, PJ