Daily Devotional #1,689

We just had a large craft show and for it one of our folks constructed a number of beautiful scenes from the  Biblical Christmas account using dressed figures out on our playground. We have done this for the past few  years with the intent of sharing the true reason for Christmas with folks in our community. The vendors we have bring people in and we get a chance to share with them a bit of this Jesus of Christmas. When we finished  and the vendors were all closing up, our folks began asking them how the day had gone, because we are always  concerned that they have enough sales to make their coming out to our church for a day worthwhile for them.  The one thing that was said most often was “We love to come out here to do this event because everyone is so  kind to us.” Knowing the team we had, I wasn’t surprised people felt that way, but I was pleased that they had  seen that and were willing to share that with us. Kindness…just being nice to people may not be as common as  we think in our world today. But maybe that has always been the case. The Apostle Paul urged his fellow  believers in the Ephesian church to be kind to each other and tied that in with being tenderhearted and even  being willing to forgive each other. And maybe there is a sequence that goes on in the human heart…we choose  to be kind, our hearts become more tender and then it becomes easier to forgive each other. God has shown his  great kindness to us through his forgiveness that he so generously offers to us. So we ought to set a pattern of  life and behavior that marks us as a kind person. That is one who looks out for the interests of others and is not  easily offended by the mistakes that others make towards us. If you can return that kindness for selfish  blunders, that helps to make your heart tender and then forgiveness is no longer a rare and surprising thing we  do. But that is supposed to be our reputation…because as we act like this Jesus of the Bible, we tend to become  like him. So do what you can to be kind to others this day. Don’t focus on you and demand that they meet your  expectations for your kindness. Let God make your heart tender and be in the business of forgiving others…just  like you have already been forgiven by this Jesus of the Bible. Here’s our Bible verse for today…  
Ephesians 4:31-32 NLT Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of  evil behavior. (32) Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through  Christ has forgiven you.  
Remember I’m praying for you!  
With love, PJ