Daily Devotional #1,685

Thanksgiving is almost here. It is a wonderful holiday, giving us a chance to stop and just look, see and thank God for all he is and what he has done. The other side of Thanksgiving is that folks will get together or at least feel some obligation to get together with family or friends. And there are situations where there is a tenseness from past history. But I hope that if you got an invitation to come to Thanksgiving dinner, that you'll go for it. And if you have the opportunity and the means, why not look around and see who in your world could use some friendly faces on that special day. The thing is...you will only have so many Thanksgivings in your life. I talked with my brother and sister at the beginning of this week and we reminisced over the Thanksgivings past and how so many of those who celebrated with us are gone. So if you are debating whether or not to go and spend this holiday with family...do it. This might be the last Thanksgiving you will all be together. And if you are facing a lot of cooking, preparation or maybe just travel to make Thanksgiving special, go for it. It is a worthy venture and an opportunity to demonstrate with your efforts the love and kindness of this Jesus of the Bible. And always remember...one of these Thanksgivings you or someone you have loved will be missing. So go and live well and love the people around you especially this week. And then don't forget to love the God who made this day and all your days possible...and give him a “thank you” for that! Here's our Bible verse for today... 
James 4:14-15 BSB You do not even know what will happen tomorrow! What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. (15) Instead, you ought to say, "If the Lord is willing, we will live and do this or that."
Remember I'm praying for you! 
With love, PJ