Daily Devotional #1,684

The God of the Bible does so much for those who believe and follow him but also for those who don't believe or follow him! We all are in debt to God, whether we believe in him or not. And that means that we owe him. So, what is it that God wants from us? People have thought up all kinds of things that they felt like they needed to do in response to God's goodness. But what does God say? He says that giving "thanks" is a sacrifice that truly honors God. That's it...just telling him thank you. Giving God thanks is an act of worship and a recognition of the goodness and the generosity as well as the character of God. So what if we don't say "thank you" to God? Well, that means that we have purposely taken upon ourselves a debt. We owe him. If we choose to forget him or ignore him...he says that there are consequences now and later as well. It is simple, easy and the right thing to do. Take time each day to just say "Thank You" to the God who loves you and the God from whom all good things come. And while you are at it...how about saying "Thank You" to the people who have shown their love and sacrifice on your behalf? It is a simple gesture that we so often forget to do here as well. But it means so much to them to know that someone appreciates our love and effort and action. So especially in this Thanksgiving week, make sure to say "Thank You" to God and to the folks around you. Simple to do and the benefits of doing it are literally out of this world! Here's our Bible verse for today... 
Psalms 50:23 NLT But giving thanks is a sacrifice that truly honors me. If you keep to my path, I will reveal to you the salvation of God."
Remember I'm praying for you! 
With love, PJ