Daily Devotional #1,663

One of the great memories that my sister and brother and I have of growing up were our summer trips to Dallas, Texas to visit our grandmother. It was an exciting adventure for us and we have such great memories of the stuff we saw and experienced on the way. It was a 1500-mile trip so we would spend two nights on the road in motels. Mom was armed with a AAA guide to motels and their ratings but we would often travel late and be faced with those dreaded "No Vacancy" signs. When we found one that looked promising, Dad would go in and see what the actual cost was and come back to the car and tell our Mom. She would say "Don't give them any money yet. I want to see the room!" So, we would sit in the back seat of the car and they would take a look at the room and Mom would give us the thumbs up, or we might be riding down to the next town to try again. Mom was good about details and we used to talk to her about how she made her decision on a room. There were some standard things that we expected, that the carpet was clean, the bathroom looked hygienic and things like that. But there was one secret detail that she looked at and if it was wrong...we moved on. It was late in her life that she finally told us what that last and important thing was that she looked for. She told us "I looked closely at the curtains. If they were not hanging perfect, I figured they would be careless about other things that I couldn't see. So, if the curtains weren't hung perfectly, we didn't stay!" She knew that if they cared enough about the small details, the chances were that they took care of the rest of the room too. I loved the picture of Mom prowling around that 1960's motel room and making sure that the smallest things were right for her children. When I think of that I think of how God is concerned about details too. In all that he does, the smallest and even most insignificant thing gets his attention. In the Bible Jesus is quoted as saying that sparrows of that time were worth practically nothing. But that God kept track of each and every one of them. And for us, well, he said that he knew how many hairs were on each of our heads! He was letting us know that God doesn't gloss over your life. He is concerned with the smallest parts of your life and everyday living. No detail of your life escapes his notice nor his care. And like our Mom, the God of the Bible is deeply concerned for his children...and wants them to be safe and secure and cared for. Even more than Mom! So, take heart in knowing that God knows you and what you are facing and struggling with. Even the small things, because he is the God of details too!

Here's our Bible verse for today...

Mat 10:29-31 What is the price of two sparrows-one copper coin? But not a single sparrow can fall to the ground without your Father knowing it. (30) And the very hairs on your head are all numbered. (31) So don't be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows.

Remember I'm praying for you!
With love, PJ