Daily Devotional #1,661

We are having a fun dinner tonight at church. We call it our "Fall Feast". Each year it is kind of a kickoff to the holiday season, and we have a wonderful Mexican restaurant cater our meal. But all the folks who come are asked to try to bring one or more desserts. We auction them off and the money is used to help fund summer camp scholarships for our kids. I have four cherry pies out of the oven and ready to be bid on and then consumed. The folks have brought some awesome desserts over the years and the thing is that only the maker of those goodies knows what is coming. I am always amazed at the creativity and variety of high calorie treats that appear. And I'm looking forward to seeing what will come because I know it will be good. I got to thinking about that as I worked on my pies. God promises that he has some wonderful things in store for those who love him. And the Bible says that what he has planned, no one has ever seen it or heard of it...and it is so great that we can't even imagine the goodness and awesomeness of the future that he has set up. So, no matter what your situation is today...whether you see it as good or bad... God has something great out there for us. The Bible records instance after instance where God has made promises and has always come through. We can see what he has done in the past and we can count on his character. Like those folks making desserts, they have always come through with some great tasting goodies. And God, well, you and I can count on him even more than our dessert makers! Wherever you find yourself today, you can take hope in the knowledge that the future for you and all who love this God of the Bible is going to just be awesome!

Here's our Bible verse for today...

1 Corinthians 2:9 Rather, as it is written: "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no heart has imagined, what God has prepared for those who love Him."

Remember I'm praying for you!
With love, PJ