Daily Devotional #1,659

I like summer. And I know that it was a long hot summer this year. But I walked out yesterday morning and realized that summer is really over, and fall has begun to show itself. I do like the different seasons. Each one of them has something special about it and I do look forward to experiencing a brand-new season. I got to thinking about how summer is gone now and how in our lives we have different seasons of life too. There is our childhood, and then maturing into young adults and then a sense of full adulthood where many get married, have children and usually work at some kind of job. We see our own kids grow up and then they marry and may have children also...and we become grandparents. And before us is a brand-new generation. I do love the way that God gives us the change of seasons for our planet...with each one calling us to something different in our lifestyles. But in our lives, God has given us different seasons of life...and he has made each season we go through different, special and purposeful. Sometimes though we need to spend time with God to discover just what he has for us and wants from us in this season we are in. So take some time to sit down or take a walk with God and talk with him about your season of life right now. Check out your Bible and listen to his spirit speak to your heart and discover the joy and value of the season you are in. We are told that God has made everything beautiful for its time. Ask him to show you the work he is doing and that he has for you. Because no matter how young or old you are right now, you have life. And this Jesus of the Bible promised us that he came to bring us life, and life to the fullest. Remember your season you are in now is as important as any other one you've experienced. So don't miss God's goodness and his best for you today and in the days ahead.

Here's our Bible verse for today...

Ecclesiastes 3:1 To everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven...

Ecclesiastes 3:11 He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men, yet they cannot fathom the work that God has done from beginning to end.

Remember I'm praying for you!
With love, PJ