Daily Devotional #1,657

A buddy asked me to make a Costco run with him early yesterday morning. He had to purchase a bunch of stuff for his school and then get back so we wouldn't spend a lot of time there. That worked for me, and I liked getting to spend some time with my friend. We walked into Costco and there were all kinds of things there before us. I need a new computer, so I ran by that section to take a quick look. There were all kinds of Christmas decorations and gifts out everywhere. We got back to the incredible food section and began loading the heavy-duty cart he had brought in. And as we headed out there were so many different types of clothes for the winter weather. We checked out and before us was the snack bar with their famous $1.50 hot dog and soft drink special. As you go out there were all kinds of vendors standing with either samples of their wares or large pictures that they hope will cause you to stop and engage in conversation and perhaps make a purchase. There was a pleasant looking man at one spot and I said "Hi" and looked behind him to see what he was selling. And there it was...a photo display of all kinds and styles of caskets! Something about seeing a selection of coffins that just kind of dulls the conversation. But it was a reminder that here with all the stuff of life that we love to look at, admire and even own, that one day every one of us in that store is going to leave planet earth. Death is one of the consequences of the poison of sin that has been unleased on us who journey on this earth. When it comes, no more Christmas decorations, computers or even chicken bakes will be important to us. Now this may sound pretty morbid except for the fact that Jesus died and made it possible for us to have eternal life. That death will not be the end of all we know, but the beginning of knowing all that have yet to experience. But that can be our hope only if we accept God's gift of salvation in Jesus Christ. Our sin was paid for right there on the cross...and all we have to do is to receive it and receive the one into our hearts who made that possible...this Jesus of the Bible. So, I don't worry about the casket salesmen, but I know that one day my journey on this earth will be over. And that will be the beginning...not the end for me. But the Bible reminds us that all of us will die only once...and then the judgement. Make provision for that judgement by being forgiven today. And then you can smile nicely and with confidence greet even those casket salespersons!

Here's our Bible verse for today...

Hebrews 9:27-28 We die only once, and then we are judged. (28) So Christ died only once to take away the sins of many people. But when he comes again, it will not be to take away sin. He will come to save everyone who is waiting for him.

Remember I'm praying for you!
With love, PJ