Daily Devotional #1,653

I remember going to Vacation Bible School and having a great time and I memorized a verse that I still keep in  my heart today. It has been important to me since that day that I memorized it at VBS. Looking back, it has  been about a year and a half now! Yeah, I was at our VBS and was doing some skits and the kids had a verse  that they were memorizing. And of all things, it was a verse that I know I must have heard over all these years,  but when they started repeating it to put it to memory…I jumped in there with them and did it too! And I don’t  know how many times I have used it in these past 18 months. It is Psalms 56:3… “But when I am afraid, I will  put my trust in you.” I don’t normally think of myself as a person with a lot of fears…but I sure end up  repeating it a lot. I did it yesterday several times. I’d bet money that all of us have a fear of something. Oh, we  might deny it or say it isn’t a real fear…but all of us have something that is out there…or in us that reminds us  that we don’t have control over our future. And so, I find myself driving and that worry creeps into my mind  and I start thinking about what could happen and what would I do if it did happen and I bring that verse up and  say it out loud… “But when I am afraid, I will put my trust in you.” That you of course is this Jesus of the  Bible. I’ve trusted that he has forgiven me for all my sins and that he has a place for me in heaven…but I  sometimes get a bit shaky on this time in between. But to say that verse as a prayer of trust and faith in our  God…well, for me it does wonders for my soul and peace of mind. So, today, when something pops up that  causes your peace or well-being to get shaky…pray that verse to the God who loves you…But when I am  afraid, I will put my trust in you. And then watch to see what God not only does in your heart…but how he  shows himself in your life situation. Try it…and see what happens!

Here’s our Bible verse for today…    

Psalms 56:3 NLT But when I am afraid, I will put my trust in you.  

Remember I’m praying for you!  
With love, PJ