Daily Devotional #1,651

There is a great event in Jesus’ ministry that has been preserved in John chapter 9. Jesus comes upon a man who  was born blind. He had never seen a sunset, a tree or another human being in his life. The disciples knew this  man’s situation and asked Jesus if the guy was born blind because of his sin…or because of his parent’s sin. And  Jesus told them no, no, no…this man was born blind so that the glory of God could be seen through him. Jesus  spit on the ground and made some mud and put it on the man’s eyes. And then he told him to go and wash himself  in the pool of Siloam. We think that Jesus did this for two reasons. First, the man had to make his way to this  pool and wash off the mud. He gave him the opportunity to exercise the faith in Jesus that was being born that  day. And the second thing was that Jesus knelt down, spit on the ground and made mud…on the Sabbath. He did  work! He knew that the religious leaders would just come unhinged that he had “worked”, by their definition, on  the Sabbath. He had much to teach them about God and his Sabbath. The people knew of the man born  blind…and were stunned that he could see. And the religious people wanted to know too how all this had  happened. And they jumped all over him because this healer had done work on the Sabbath. After he got verbally  beat up for a bit Jesus caught up with him and he must have recognized the voice of the one who had healed him.  And Jesus said do you believe in the Son of Man? And the man asked who this son of man was…because he  really wanted to believe in him. And Jesus said “You have seen him” and “he is speaking to you!” And the man  enthusiastically said he believed…and then worshiped Jesus right then and there. God used this situation in more  than one way. It wasn’t a matter of sin, or punishment that God had allowed this man to go through this. He gave  him the chance to be partners with the God of the universe in his plan to save the whole world. You may be  carrying something in your heart, your body or just from your history that has burdened you for a long time.  Don’t forget that God is going to use that and all that you’ve been through to advance his kingdom in some way  and make you a partner with him. And when it comes time for you to believe that God is doing his special work  and the voice comes into your heart and says “Do you believe me?” Pray that you will be ready to say back to  him “I want to believe in you” and “Yes Lord, I believe”. And your faith and action will, like this man, glorify  the God loves you and chooses you to partner in his work with him . Here’s our Bible verse for today…  

John 9:35-38 NLT When Jesus heard what had happened, he found the man and asked, “Do you believe in the  Son of Man?” (36) The man answered, “Who is he, sir? I want to believe in him.” (37) “You have seen him,”  Jesus said, “and he is speaking to you!” (38) “Yes, Lord, I believe!” the man said. And he worshiped Jesus.  
Remember I’m praying for you!  
With love, PJ