Daily Devotional #1,650

I am a passionate San Francisco 49er fan. And at our church we have fans of a whole bunch of different NFL  teams. A number of us have jerseys of our favorite team and so we have a wager on the games where my team  and one of our folks’ teams are playing against each other. The loser has to wear the other team’s jersey to  church the next Sunday! This has not been a good year so far for my Niners and this coming Sunday I will wear  another team’s jersey in what we jokingly call “the shroud of shame”. It is all done in fun, and everyone gets a  kick out of it. But I thought about that term we use…the shroud of shame. We people live with a holy God and  will one day stand before him. And the reality is that yours and my sin make us losers. And we should be  covered in shame for all that we have done…for all our sin. But the good news of the Bible is that Christ Jesus  has died for all the sins that you and I have or ever will commit. And what he asks us to do is to call our  sin…sin! And then ask this Jesus of the Bible to have his death on that cross bring forgiveness for us. We don’t  have to wear a shroud of shame in this world, or before God when we are forgiven by him. So, if you are a  child of God…then live like a child of God. Follow this Jesus in your live and love in this world. And if you  are a child of God…then and only then are you forgiven. And if you are forgiven, walk like you are  forgiven…with a repentant heart filled with thanksgiving and love. That means that you are not a loser…so  take off that shroud of shame and enjoy this life with the God who loves you so very much. Here’s our Bible  verse for today…  

Romans 8:1 NLT So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus.  
Remember I’m praying for you!  
With love, PJ