Daily Devotional #1,646

I heard a story of a guy who came up to an answer to forgetting his wife’s birthday and their anniversary. He  went to a florist in his town and set it up with them to send flowers to his wife on both dates. He asked them to  have a card with the flowers that simply said, “Your husband who loves you so much!” It really worked and he  never had to remember those dates important to his wife. But one day he came home on their anniversary and  saw the flowers on the kitchen counter and said “Hey, those are great flowers. Who sent you those?” I  wondered about what that must have felt like when his wife said, “They are from you!” He had set the whole  thing up so that she would get her flowers and he…well, he wouldn’t have to remember those special days. I  thought about commitments that we make and how sometimes we just put them on auto pilot too. We make  promises to God and to others and then forget the promise and worse, forget why we made the promise. The  Psalmist wrote asking what he could offer the Lord for all that God had done for him. He answered his own  question by saying that he would lift up the cup of salvation and praise the Lord’s name for saving him. And  then he said that he would keep his promises to the Lord in the presence of all his people. God…and  people…want more than just stuff from us. They both want our hearts and our attention and a commitment to  show our love. Not to defer that to others, but to make that such a priority that we don’t forget our promises to  God that we have made in response to his love. So, keep your head “in the game”. Remember what God has  done for you… salvation, blessings, life and love that has come from his hand. And remember the promises that  you have made to him. They can’t be passed over to others…they are your gift of love to the God who has  loved you first. And while you are at it…don’t forget those birthdays and anniversaries either! Here’s our Bible  verse for today…  

Psalms 116:12-14 NLT What can I offer the LORD for all he has done for me? (13) I will lift up the cup of  salvation and praise the LORD’s name for saving me. (14) I will keep my promises to the LORD in the  presence of all his people.  
Remember I’m praying for you!  
With love, PJ