Daily Devotional #1,642

I had the privilege yesterday to be a part of a group at a most amazing site. It was owned by a collector who  specializes in old cars, trucks, service station signs…and even old service stations! It was just wonderful to get  to wander around and look that things that were before my time and some that I remember as a kid…a very  young kid! It brought back so many memories of family and travel and of a time that was different from today.  A buddy of mine ushered me around and I kept telling him that I remembered this or that and where I had seen  or used that item. It was literally like turning back the clock. My memory of what life was like when these  things were being driven or used or even seen made me wistful for a time gone by. When it was time for me to  go, I left with a wonderful feeling for those items, but realized that they are just monuments or even mementos  to a day gone by…and that will never come back. As I drove home, I thought about what I had seen and how it  elicited good memories…and yet they are just memories. I’m glad those things are being preserved, but God  has seen fit to put me into this time and place in the history of the human saga. So while I loved the old stuff, I  was looking forward to the rest of today and tomorrow and all the tomorrows that God has ordained for me to  have on planet earth! I can’t live in that past…and I’m not sure I would really want to. I’m excited for the  journey that God has me on now…with all the challenges and opportunities, and even dreams that are out there  for me. So I invite you to join me in looking back on days past with some fondness, but to press on in the race  that God has you in right now. He has a future laid out there just down the road for you and me. And even if no  one else here on earth is aware of it…you and I will make history as we follow this Jesus of the Bible. The  world and the history books won’t record or maybe even remember what we do as we live for Christ…but  heaven will. And that heavenly realm is a place where all is made new…and nothing that you have done for or  in Christ’s name will be forgotten! Here’s our Bible verse for today…
 Philippians 3:13-14 NLT No, dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing:  Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, (14) I press on to reach the end of the race and  receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.  
Remember I’m praying for you!  
With love, PJ