Daily Devotional #1,635

Today is our church’s annual car show. We do this each year to get to meet some new people, give them a  chance to be on our campus and for us all to be able to see some awesome cars! It isn’t a huge show, but it  takes a lot of preparation by a dedicated team. We have had people passing out flyers for our event at car shows  since the beginning of summer. We have hamburgers and hot dogs and cold drinks ready for all who come. We  even have raffle prizes and antique license plates for people to purchase. One crew redid our 5 picnic tables,  and they look brand new and the crew that came out yesterday set everything up to give us the flavor of a 60s  drive in. Last night, I went down to the church to do some last-minute chores and here came two other guys  with new bark for the area around out Chapel. We all finished in the dark, but it is ready. We don’t know who  will come, but we would hope that all who want to come will be there. We have encouraged folks and invited  folks to come and be with us. We don’t know who or how many folks will come, but I can hardly wait to see  who all will be there. Driving home, I couldn’t help but think of what Jesus said to his disciples about the  preparation that he was making. He told them, and we can read too, that he has gone to prepare a place for us.  He wants us to come to “the party” in heaven. Not everyone will respond to his invitation…because some will  be busy with other things and some, well just don’t want to come. But some will. I don’t know what kind of  preparation has been done for us, but I know the work and dedication that it took to prepare for us to receive  folks. So, I imagine that what the Jesus of the Bible has been doing has to be something pretty special.  Remember that God is going to a lot of work to make sure that you have a place in heaven and that you will be  honored and welcomed. Don’t be one of those who are just too busy to respond to his heavenly invite. Tell him  that you want to be there and to be with him. Stay in touch with prayer and worship of this Jesus and he’ll get  you there at just the right time. And the good news is that you won’t have to find your own way… he will come  to you and welcome you into his presence…so that you may be where he is…forever. Here’s our Bible verse  for today…  

John 14:1-3 BSB “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe in Me as well. (2) In My  Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place  for you? (3) And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and welcome you into My presence, so  that you also may be where I am.  
Remember I’m praying for you!  
With love, PJ  
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