Daily Devotional #1,634

A guy was selling his car and when a prospective buyer came by he began his sales pitch. And he told about all  the good things he could think of that the car had to offer. And then at the end he said “The great thing about  this car is that it will hold six of your friends without any troubles.” The buyer just kept looking at the car  before turning to the seller and saying “I don’t think I have six friends without any troubles”. That guy  probably spoke for all of us. We all have troubles, things that we are struggling with in this life. A lot of times  the folks around us don’t even know the half of the burdens we are carrying in life. But we are all there. The  question is what do we do? Where can we go? The good news from the Bible is that Jesus invited all of us who  are weary and carry heavy burdens are invited to come to him. And his promise is that when you come to him,  he will give you rest. His desire is for us to link up with him and he will teach us but will also help us to find  rest for our souls. So if you are not one of the “normal” friends and you have challenges in your life right  now…you are with the vast majority of us people walking on the earth. So don’t make this journey alone and  for heaven’s sake don’t try to carry those burdens all by yourself! Take Jesus up on his invitation to come to  him and find rest. In him you will find rest for your hearts and for souls…and I bet you’ll even find rest for  your bodies too. Normal is not being perfect or pain free or faultless. It is being just like all of us on this  journey of life with you. You need the rest…and this Jesus of the Bible promises that you will find that in him.  Here's our Bible verse for today…  

Matthew 11:28-30 NLT Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and  I will give you rest. (29) Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart,  and you will find rest for your souls. (30) For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.”  
Remember I’m praying for you!  
With love, PJ  
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