Quail Lake Community Church

Daily Devotional #1,633

You’ve heard the saying “You can’t take it with you!” That’s a serious reminder often done in a humorous way  that when you die…it all stays here. All the things that you have worked for, held on to or enjoyed can’t go  with you. But if you are going to heaven there is one thing that you actually have a chance to bring in. And that  is your children. No, you can’t carry them in or get them some kind of “pass”. But what you can do, is in the  lifetime that you have with them is that you can help to bring them to a saving relationship with Jesus Christ  and encourage them in their lives of faith. It isn’t a simple task of just repeating truths to them or sending them  to Sunday School. Your children and also your grandchildren are entrusted to you. You might say that in a way  you oversee their souls as they are growing up. They can’t ride your faith into heaven, but your faith can open  the door and lead them to live a life of trust in the God of the Bible. So, what can you do to pave the way for  them to eternal life with God? Well, first, you have to have that relationship with Jesus Christ. You just can’t  fake that and then encourage them to follow Christ when you don’t. But when you choose to believe and live  this life in Christ, you give them a living example of what it looks like and how to do this. Faith is contagious.  Set the example of being in worship, set them up with the opportunities available for kids their age to learn  about the God who loves them and how they can respond to him. Let them see you trust God, for your  forgiveness but also for the hard times that come into all of our lives. Let them see the love and kindness of  Jesus be lived out in the way that you treat and speak of others. You won’t be able to carry that youngster that  you love so much into heaven itself, but you can play a part in your kids or grandkids being in heaven with you.  The Apostle Paul wrote to his young assistant Timothy that he remembered this young man’s faith…and that it  was a faith that first filled his grandmother and then his mother. And he told him that he knew that same faith  continued to be strong in him. There are a lot of voices that will call to your kids to follow all kinds of paths in  life. But you have the chance, in some special way to be a part of bringing them into heaven itself. Pray for  them, love them and never give up on them. Here’s our Bible verse for today…  
2 Timothy 1:5 NLT I remember your genuine faith, for you share the faith that first filled your grandmother  Lois and your mother, Eunice. And I know that same faith continues strong in you.  
Remember I’m praying for you!  
With love, PJ