Daily Devotional #1,632

We had our AWANA club at church last night and everyone was leaving and heading home. I talked with a  number of staff and parents and then remembered that I’d forgotten something in one of the buildings so I told  everyone to head out and that I would lock up when I left. I took my time getting stuff and checking doors and  realized how dark it was as I wandered out to the parking lot. I looked that there was not one car, but two  parked there with no one else in sight. Then the door of the other car opened, and a man got out slowly and I  heard a voice I knew. It was Ralph, a friend and a parent of a couple of our club members. I was relieved it  was my buddy and he told me that he had come to watch the last of the club program straight from work. And  he sent the rest of the gang on home in the other car. And then he said “I didn’t want you to be alone here. You  just never know.” We both kind of laughed with that kind of laugh that says both “Yeah, I know what you are  talking about and… I’m sure glad you stuck around.” He would leave until I was in my car and driving out the  gate. I liked that. I thought of something that King Solomon wrote in the book of Ecclesiastes. He said, “A  person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer.” Even though  I had sent everyone else home, I admit I was glad to have my friend there. Not only that I would be safer…but  that he wanted to make sure that I would not be alone. When Solomon wrote that line so many hundreds of  years ago, he then added this  
“Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken.” When I read that, I like to think that that  third one is that Jesus who Solomon never knew like we have the opportunity to do so. But I can’t help but  believe that God put that in his heart and moved him to put that on the page for us. I’m glad that my buddy  Ralph was there, but as two believers, we were wrapped around by the Jesus of the Bible. And with him, well,  we are a majority no matter how much the evil one sends against us. So if you have the opportunity today…and  see someone, in some way, who is standing alone…see if God might want you to stand with them…and in some  small way you will be able to stand back to back…and with that third one there being Jesus…you and they are  going to be alright. Here's our Bible verse for today…  
Ecclesiastes 4:12 NLT A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back  and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken.  
Remember I’m praying for you!  
With love, PJ