Daily Devotional #1,631

I have a buddy who is a real “car guy” and his sons love cars too. As his boys were growing up, they loved to  drive and as teenagers tend to do, they would wait until that gas gauge was flirting with empty before they’d put  in enough gas to maybe bring it up to half a tank. The Dad knew that this was going to be trouble somewhere  down the line so he talked to the boys and said “Boys, it is just as easy to fill the top half of your tank as it is the  bottom half.” The point was, don’t wait to do the right thing. Don’t wait until the very last minute, because you  may just get caught with an empty tank. I like that thinking…and as a matter of fact, I’ve made sure that, if at  all possible, I will fill up my car when it hits that half full…or half empty line! I thought about how we so often  will put off what we know we need to do. And that happens with our relationship with God too. How often do  we say, “one day I’ll take seriously what God says in his Bible”? We all choose a direction for our lives, and it  will be either a direction that leads away from God or a direction that will lead our hearts to him. In the Bible  we can read about one man, who wrote in the Psalms, that he was thinking hard about what direction he wanted  his life to go. And he decided to turn from the path he was going and follow what God said. But what he wrote  next was so important. He said, “I will hurry, without delay, to obey your commands”. That was a great choice,  because he also acknowledged that evil people would try to drag him away from God and into sin. But he said  that because he made the choice to follow God’s instructions, he had an anchor to keep him where he needed to  be. Someone once said that “Delayed obedience is disobedience”. So, if we are not obeying and are putting off  at least listening to what God says…we may find our lives out of gas and stuck somewhere we never wanted to  be. So, think about the direction your life is taking and the lives of your kids and even grandkids and don’t keep  going until the tank is dry. Fill up now with the goodness and love and power and forgiveness that God offers  today. You do that and you will never find yourself living life with an empty tank!  

Here's our Bible verse for today…  
Psalms 119:59-61 NLT I pondered the direction of my life, and I turned to follow your laws. (60) I will hurry,  without delay, to obey your commands. (61) Evil people try to drag me into sin, but I am firmly anchored to  your instructions.  

Remember I’m praying for you!  
With love, PJ  
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