Daily Devotional #1,629

This is a day that I took time to look back on my life and remember some of the things that are rooted in my heart. My Dad, who has been gone for nearly 20 years now, coached a number of high school sports and was best friends with our high school varsity football head coach. Because of his football knowledge and relationship with his friend, he would spend some Fridays going to scout out the next opponent that our high school football team would play the next week. He would go to a game and watch the squad and look for
weaknesses and tendencies the team had. I remember one Friday he took me as his “partner” to another town for the game there. I remember the two of us traveled to the town and we went to one of my Dad’s favorite places to eat...an A & W drive in. We had hamburgers, fries and ice-cold mugs of root beer. We had time before the game and so he found a barber shop and I hung out with him while he got a haircut. Finally, we went to the game and he was busy with clipboards and diagrams, but would show me what he was drawing and why it was important. The game ended and we made the drive back to our home that Friday night. It was just another job that Dad had as a coach and a teacher...but he wanted me along. I felt that I was his partner even though I was still a young grammar school student. I liked being with him and remember that night with a special kind of fondness. And every time I think of our “adventure together" I think about what Jesus is quoted as saying at the end of the gospel of Matthew. He said “I am with you...always. Even to the end of the age.” When I read that I get a bit of that same feeling...that I am invited to join him in what he is doing in my life and in the world around me. And I realize that this Jesus of the Bible not only loves me...but likes me enough to hang out with me and share this journey that we call “life” here on planet earth. So today, remember the invitation is that he will be there with us...and he invites us to be there with him in heart and mind and spirit.
He wants you to know that you are loved, and you are wanted...and you are even liked by this Jesus of the Bible today and for all your tomorrows.

Here’s our Bible verse for today...

Matthew 28:20 NLT Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

Remember I’m praying for you!
With love, PJ
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