Daily Devotional #1,627

I ran across a comedian online who said that he dreamed of going into a parking lot full of cars and putting notes on as many cars as he could with the message “I’m so sorry for the damage I caused”. He said “Then I’d like to just watch everyone examine every part of their car to see what had happened!” I’m convinced that he never did that because he has too many things like that he uses for his comedic stories. I chuckled a bit and forgot about it until last night. I was looking for a parking spot at Walmart and there was one behind a big
pickup truck that had been parked the wrong way in the stall in front of me. And because they parked like that, part of the truck was in my stall too. It was crowded so I just pulled in as far as I could with my little car. I shopped and then came out and the truck was still there. And I thought “You know...I could get a slip of paper and write on it “I’m so sorry about the damage to your truck”, put it under the windshield wiper and then drive away. It was just a fleeting thought...but I did have that fleeting thought. It is times like that that I realize how
much work God still has to do in my life! It is called sanctification...becoming holy. That means to be different, set aside for God’s use. I thought about that on the way home...first, glad that I didn’t think seriously about doing that. And then I remembered what the Apostle Paul wrote in his letter to the Roman church. He said that we believers have a destiny. And our destiny is to be conformed to the image of his son Jesus Christ. And the goal is that we would think, act and believe like him so much, that people would know we are related to
him now. I realized that there is still much to be done in me...and I know that it won’t be finished when my journey on the planet is over. But the good news is that I am forgiven, I am loved, and I’ve still got time for God to do some good work in me. And the Bible promises that when those who have known and loved this Jesus of the Bible come face to face with him...that we will at that time have our sanctification made complete. So be partners with God in his work of sanctification...to make you more like Jesus. And remember, if you are in a crowded parking lot...just get in your car and leave everyone else alone!

Here’s our Bible verse for today...

Romans 8:29 BSB For those God foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, so that He would be the firstborn among many brothers.

Remember I’m praying for you!
With love, PJ
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