Daily Devotional #1,623

I like Campbells chicken noodle soup. It tastes good and it is relatively low in calories. The problem for me is that even eating the whole can is not very filling. So, one day I added a vegetable that we had in the refrigerator and microwaved it longer and I thought it was great. So, I experimented with all kinds of vegetables and then even went to adding extra meat to it. I started just adding extra chicken...but now...nothing in that fridge is safe from me. So, what I will do is take a look the refrigerator and see what is left over and a good part of that ends up in my custom soup. I get more veggies and protein, and the leftovers disappear and very little is wasted. My family sometimes acts like it is gross, but I like taking all that stuff and kind of making it a redeeming meal! I’ve thought about that when I’m putting my collection of odds and ends together and find a use for stuff that used to just be wasted. When stuff happens to us, usually hard stuff...disappointments, discouragements, unpleasant surprises, folks usually look at those events as just wasted and certainly not helpful times for us. But God reaches into our life experiences and doesn’t waste them either. He takes those events, people or situations and in the way only he can do, he causes everything to work together for the good. But the promise is not for everyone. The part of the Bible that teaches us this principle also says that he causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for
them. We have to be loving God and lined up with God in order to experience this wonderful work in us. And it is wonderful because we live life knowing that nothing is wasted. No matter how mundane, painful or joyful it might be, God is weaving a tapestry of our lives that makes them work for our benefit. So let God know that you want to be in on this loving relationship with him and want to fit in with his purpose for your life. And
then, you will be confident that everything that happens will be surrounded by his goodness and will ultimately be something good and godly added to your life.

Here’s our Bible verse for today...

Romans 8:28 NLT And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.

Remember I’m praying for you!
With love, PJ