Daily Devotional #1,619

We are having a car show at our church in a couple of weeks and are taking care of the last things that need to be done. One of those tasks was to order awards for those whose cars that are selected at the top of our different categories. My son-in-law met me at the trophy shop and since he is the real “car guy” I turned him loose. We looked at all kinds of trophies and plaques we could hand out to reward those folks who had worked so hard on those wonderful cars. We ended up ordering five great awards we could hand out and he and I both were pleased with the selections. I thought about how those who will receive those will feel as we recognize all their good work. And then I thought about what God does. He says in his Bible that the Lord rewards not just a select few, but everyone for their righteousness and faithfulness to God. We sometimes think that it doesn’t matter what we do or believe or what choices we make. But God makes it pretty clear that he has a pretty
specific criteria for his rewards for our lives. Salvation isn’t one of them. That is free for anyone who asks for it. Just coming to this Jesus in prayer and asking for forgiveness and giving him permission to change our hearts makes that a done deal and at that moment a child of God. But then there is a life to live. And like those owners of those restored cars...there is a lot to do and to sacrifice for that finished product. And God knows that is the case for our lives too. And so, throughout the Bible he reminds us that if we have settled that forgiveness issue with him...then he wants us to be acknowledged for our faithfulness and willingness to live righteously...that means the way he asks us to live. A lot of us at that car show will not be in the running for any awards or rewards. But those who have committed themselves to this purpose...there will be rewards out there for them. So, remember that God is not just out there looking for you to mess up in life. He is rooting for
you to be a winner. But it is his show and his rules. And in the end...it is his rewards. And the promise is that it will be worth all that you work towards by simply loving him with all your heart, mind, soul and strength and love the people around you with the same kind of love that Jesus has shown you. So go out there and live well with the expectation that God will indeed reward you for your faithfulness.

Here’s our Bible verse for today.

1 Samuel 26:23 NIV The Lord rewards everyone for their righteousness and faithfulness.

Remember I’m praying for you!
With love, PJ