Daily Devotional #1,610

James Earl Jones died this week. He was a wonderful actor and had done all kinds of good work, but then he was asked to do the voice of a new character in movie lore. The character was Darth Vader, and the movie was Star Wars. His voice was the key to the character and really to the heart of the first movie and those that came after. A video popped up on Facebook and it was of James Earl Jones accepting a special award from the Screen Actors Guild. He was very humble and appreciative of the honor. But it was what he said in that video that took my breath away. In this gathering of famous actors Jones thanked them and then said “The book of Genesis in the Bible says that God formed man from the dust of the ground and then he breathed life into the man. And man became a living person.” I was stunned and watched it a couple of times to make sure I really heard him say that. They panned the audience, and they were all silent but really attentive. Now he went on to say that we are not God, but we (as actors) have the chance to take a character from the pages of a book or a script and in a way breathe life into that character and bring them alive. I don’t know anything about James Earl Jones’ beliefs or spiritual life, but I was impressed that he went to the beginning of the Bible and without and preface or disclaimer, spoke what is recorded about creation. It was wonderful for him to just speak that scripture and allow people to hear it in such a public setting. I hope it came to his mind and heart because he believed that. For those who follow this Jesus of the Bible, who is said to be the agent of that creation, including you and me, this is not only a wonderful thing to hear, but to hold on to and to be willing to share that as boldly as that great actor did that day. Because that account declares for all time and in all places that every one of us is important. Everyone of us is special. Because we are not a freak of nature, but a purposefully designed living creature whose real destiny and privilege is to be able to live with their creator for now and for all time. And by the way, that creator would love to hear from you today...and he is only a prayer away!

Here’s our Bible verse for today...

Genesis 2:7 NLT Then the LORD God formed the man from the dust of the ground. He breathed the breath of life into the man’s nostrils, and the man became a living person.

Remember I’m praying for you!
With love, PJ